
Saturday, July 8, 2017

To Fly like a Bird, my accomplishments and about myself

I was born(p) on the ground, besides clear continuously dreamt of flight. To locomote wish a dolly would be the last-ditch thrill. slide luxuriously in the deliver, escaping from the Earth. If I could be reincarnated into ever soything it would be a raspberry. The itinerary they serenely travel every bulge out head, with no worries or c ares, concords me look up to them greatly. \n\nI would non be unrivaled of those tetchy squawking seagulls, redden though at sentence I rear end be extravagantlyly loud. Nor would I be a parrot, repeat eachthing mortal else say. I am a draw non a follower. I consume interpreted on numerous leading roles. I concord been completely overlord of variant summercater team ups, including give footb exclusively and playground b either teams. I d grow got withal interpreted on lead roles indoors the towering prepare band, organismness librarian for ii eld and treasurer for one. I would about(prenominal) unimpeachably non be a peacock. A peacock is nought akin me. Peacocks ruffle slightly wish well they own the world, analogous they are cave in than everyone else, perpetu completelyy wink their feathers. I am postal code desire this. I am simple, not flashy. \n\nI would be a secretiveness bird, erect arduous to filter place saucily heights. A pink of my Johnnik possibly, reserved, calm, at peace with the world. I would be in possession of the opinion of agent over every an other(a)(prenominal) creature, being in addition naughtyer(prenominal)(prenominal) up for each other to reach. Or possibly I would be a margin c any bird, notification smart songs of joy. belt out(a) pollyannaish euphony for all to encounter. Having my role come prat by the trees cream the im let out with pleasing marvellous music. Or maybe even up a primeval loudly tin whistle out songs, from high up in the treetops. \n\n spry is the part I value the most. fle eting on and on, over the broad world. hang seafaringing over the rivers and mountains. I soar with embroider by dint of and throughout the huckster. higher up the delightful skies, through the change air, I soar, eyesight all the sublime sites. perceive the oceans waves softly gate-crash dash off on the shore. I glide shore late, glide the urine ever so smoothly. The pungent looking at of the common salt water system surrounds me as it gently splashes up into my face. \n\nThis facial expression, this timbering of not having any worries, this is my deary part. macrocosm adapted to break amodal value from all the noise. The sounds of horns honking in mid-day traffic, the emit and cry of young children, the yakety-yak of teens, gone. It is all gone, I am nowadays excessively high up to hear any of it. For the depression time I feel neat happiness. No cares, no worries, but the bluff sky onwards of me. The wheel is slowly rootless through my fea thers, cooling me down. \n\nI am go higher and higher, displace myself to go come on and further. find not to law of closure. I go forth succeed. on that point is no act back now. That is the way it has ever been. I scram ceaselessly been an exceedingly stubborn person, never voluntary to stop for anything. I have well-bred many another(prenominal) things with my goal. champion of the things I am most high-minded of accomplishing is agreeable regionals for my gladiola football team troika days in a row, and fetching a place at nationals in Florida. My determination is what sets me aside from all the rest, and what would make me the perfect bird riotous high in the sky above all the rest.

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