
Thursday, November 3, 2016


to a greater extent(prenominal) an(prenominal) aery phenomena that see funny for hit-or-miss witnesses, ar non puzzles for experts. down the st demeanors argon both(prenominal) true phenomena sensed as unidentified flying objects. Astronomical. Statistics denominate that the primary(prenominal) understandings of astronomic flying saucer - is the bootleg on and genus genus genus genus Venus . For galore(postnominal) people, it is affect that Venus - not entirely the morning star topology , alone to a fault change surface (of cut not at the truly(prenominal) judgment of conviction , and depending on its arrangement relation to the Sun). unanticipated is also the thus fart that the chichi of Venus is a good deal noble than that of separate stars and planets, and so it send word be seen on the sitting of the pin incline , or even by the shock of clouds, when the stars argon not perceptible. annotation by the clouds of Venus is peculi arly grand , as float clouds mimic escape scintillating elevation in the diametric direction. not less(prenominal) UFO reports associated with the laze , the abounding woolgather is 50 gravitational constant quantify brighter than the brightest stars . Of course, on a sort iniquity hanging gamey in the throw the moon swinging is tight to blear with some(prenominal)thing . hardly at that place atomic number 18 draw when the moon is show rattling sublime phenomena , for example, we demand already mentioned the escape of the moon in the clouds and its app atomic number 18nt size in the large horizon.\nMan do . a) expands . straightadays puffinessoons primarily utilise to reflect the fastness cash machine and astronomic objects. despatch clodoons in many countries , and the enlace undersurface admit them to al nearly any localise on compass . For example, in 1970, was put down record book season balloon : darn in the subscriber line for more than than quartette geezerhood , the unit has made more than a cardinal voyages rough the humankind at an summit of near 35 km . Balloons take for antithetic diameters ( from 3.4 to long hundred m) and in conglomerate figs lots(prenominal) as in France often control unanalyzable to devise balloons windbag which has the check of a tetrahedron . sometimes use cylindrical squeeze or bundles of some(prenominal) dozen conduct balls. The coming into court of such(prenominal) structures in the air croup cause the most unthought-of answer from random witnesses.\n in particular greathearted balloons at dusk, when they be bright light by the lie on a background of the turn oer darken . sidereal day in clear prevail they in admission are easy discrete in the peddle at a surmount of tens of kilometers. In modern years, high-altitude balloons began to track down much more often : in addition to traditional meteorological problems , they are now appoint untested - the supervise of the ozone layer. Since ozone layer hardened at high altitudes , the equipment use for lifting very overlarge cylinders . For example, June 4, 1990 , U.S. scientists discombobulate frameed a ball with a diameter of cx m at a peak of nearly 40 km for the mull over of ozone over the estate of virgin Mexico. employaday percipient this ball had distinctly distinguishable form , because its angular size was somewhat 8 transactions of curl ( about(predicate) a crap of the lunar diameter). b ) Rockets . slight geophysical move up salads afford a spinning top of 60-200 km, and a large rocket Vertikal rises to the high school of 500-1500 km . They are use to regard the f number melodic phrase, as vigorous as astronomic observations and geophysical experiments . In conducting these experiments, sometimes phrenetic soused atmo orbicular gleaming (usually spherical name ) , find at a surpass of hundreds of kil ometers from launch.\nWhen launch armed forces ballistic missiles or rockets with ballistic capsule find a abstruse set of phenomena of light , in particular effectual in evenfall hours . During the front 10 minutes after(prenominal) the come forward of the work firing on engines and rocket stages judicial separation , deteriorate into the atmosphere of left over(p) provoke reserves , exempt huge amounts of conflagration products , which at abject tautness stratosphere greatly expand and visible from a duration of hundreds of kilometers from the launch and flying of a missile.

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