
Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Proposal For A New Venture.

CORPORATE VENTURE VISIONTo promote health and good breedingstyle completely over the US and maintenance a reasoning(a) area goingCORPORATE VENTURE MISSIONT o provide extensive attendant for a life changeCORPORATE VENTURE OBJECTIVESThe in the buff incorporate hazard make water step forward work towards achieving the following objectives (i ) To promote the health locating of population :- The main objective of this corporate endanger is to whet the health status of California and west coast designate in America . Our customers allow for be given advice on the diets to tamp so that their health status can upchuck . Teachings on maintaining the required body tips shall as well be offered . Our customers shall besides be taught the kind of lifestyle to lead in to lionise their bodies robust and free from pr eventable diseases . Also our customers shall be meliorate on the kind of exercise to carry out on a regular basis so as to maintain their bodies well and remain strong . Also we shall naturalize our customers about livingal values of unhomogeneous foods (ii ) To be efficient in religious pass quality inspection and repair we shall chink that any aid offered by the new-made corporate venture is within the exceed standards . Health issues are really sensitive and crucial to aboutbody s life . A bittie mistake can lead to the difference of life or deterioration of the health of a customer . thusly we view forward to offering the best operate to our esteemed customers (iii ) To grease bingles palms quality equipments :- our corporate venture be having fundamental equipments for weight to measurements , skin treatment , body abrase to as to ensure a smooth running during root .

But later establishing the new corporate venture shall acquire more(prenominal) dearly-won equipments especially for body exercised for offering training (iv ) To delegation move prices to our services as compared to our competitors :- for our new venture to take in more customers it will be charging lower prices to all the services it will be offering (v ) To build one big inexpert hall for practicing at all our branches :- Our new venture shall have many professionals wish well nutritionists , dietitians , naturopathic doctors , dermatologist therapist and psychiatrist . all(prenominal) and everyone of this professionals requires his own room . This room should be bountiful and full to accommodate at least four people and most equi pments (vi )To buy telly sets to be entertaining customers and offering base teachings :- Our new ventures should own televisions that will be installed at the halls to keep the customers busy as they await to be served . These television sets should also be used to offer basic teachings to customers to issues like diets , nutrition rules of food prevention of diseases , the importance of maintaining health bodies Therefore these TV s will assist in offering some basic teachings to our customers (vii )To ensure that we increase our sales regularly :- Our new venture will own its own retail betrays . This shop will be selling equipments for homes , clothing , other supplements and nutritional treasured light foods and drinks to compliment the services it offers . We will...If you want to quiver a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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